A.L.F.A: Always Looking For Another

Only in my case, it would be Always Looking For Another Because One Broke, or ALFABOB. I imagine somebody already has the as a personalized plate – likely in California, where extroverts seem to thrive.
Now, I’m not the first person to experience a broken Alfa, but both my ’89 Milano Verde and my ’95 164LS both have experienced bottom end failure within their first weeks in my garage. I am documenting the Verde failure and rebuild, but to summarize, it threw a rod while I was doing 75mph on the Interstate. Since I missed it so much, I bought the 164LS to have something over-the-top to shuttle me around in while the Verde engine is on the stand. Well, the 164LS developed rod knock while driving at 55mph on the highway. Luckily, it will only need new rod bearings, which I can manage to replace with the engine in the car.